Shop / Magazines

Run 294 – OCT/NOV 2017

$ 5.95 $4.16


An Autumn Scene on Joe Laughman's layout

Editor's Corner

A Family Affair

Feature Articles

COVER STORY! Laughman layout #1: The Father's

Laughman layout #2: The Son's

Joey Ricard Builds a Dynamic Diorama

How-To_Do-It Features

Bob Glorioso: Kadee Couplers for 3-rail

Eliot Scher: Build a Turnout Control Panel

Product Reviews

3rd Rail SD9

MTH Premier N&W Class A

Product Showcase

Atlas F7
Bachmann On30 Cabooses
Menards Military Generator Car
LCCA Christmas Boxcar
Menards Bridge
Trainpaper: Lionel Postwar Private-Issue Catalogs DVD, 1947-1961
Chooch Timber Retaining Walls

Collector's Gallery

Lifesaver Cars

Jim Barrett in the Backshop

Building A Layout: Finishing The Trestle FREE DOWNLOAD! Jim's Trestle Templates!  

OGR Bookcase

“Smoke over Steamtown” by Dennis Livesey

Helper Engine

Williams Amtrak Superliners

Dealer Roundhouse
Use the OGR Dealer Locator to find OGR dealers all over the country!